Read all about it...check out the Official Newsletter of NA4SA!
Several times each year we publish Reumors, the Official Newsletter of our organization. It is intended to keep everyone in our NA4SA Family informed about what is going on with their National Association for Student Activities. Each edition contains important information about upcoming events such as the National Conference on Student Activities and National Activity Advisors Clinic as well as updates about award programs and our signature "Parade of Ideas".
Anyone who attended one or more of the last three National Conferences on Student Activities is on our MailChimp Distribution List. If you are on the list but not receiving our regular updates, please check your junk/spam folder first since some e-mail servers will route messages from message distribution services such as MailChimp there. If you are not on our MailChimp Distribution List and would like to be on it, please contact Lou Miller at and we'll get you on the list!
The most current issue of Reumors is always linked to in the left sidebar of our website home page. The links below will take you to recent issues of Reumors from the current year. For issues from past years, you can access an archive through our Resource Library page - for your convenience, a link is provided here as well. All files are in PDF format for easy viewing and download.
Click on the Adobe Acrobat icon to access each issue of Reumors from the current year; it will open as a PDF in a new browser window.
Click on the Google Drive icon below to access the folder in our Resource Library which contains past issues of Reumors
Please CLICK on the images below to visit their websites!
Please CLICK on the images below to visit their websites!