National Activity Advisors Clinic

Don't get tied into knots over trying to find new ideas...we've got the answer!

We invite all Activity Advisors to JOIN US for our annual National Activity Advisors Clinic (NAAC)! Started in 2018, this event represents a rebirth of the classic "Advisor Fly-In" weekend, where activity advisors from throughout North America come together for a weekend of hands-on training, networking, idea sharing, and good old-fashioned FUN! It's not another National Conference on Student Activities - our National Activity Advisors Clinic is more intimate and focused on specific skills, ideas and activities that you can take and use right away. You'll leave our National Activity Advisors Clinic invigorated, excited, and loaded with new ideas to bring back to your school - just in time for a new school year!

2023 Conference Portal - Registered attendees can CLICK HERE to access the National Activity Advisors Clinic Portal on the day of the event and afterward to view recorded content. You will need the unique username and password sent to you by e-mail to enter the portal. 

JOIN US on Saturday August 24, 2024!

Our 2024 National Activity Advisors Clinic (NAAC) is an affordable VIRTUAL event designed to kickoff the new school year with valuable networking, idea sharing and hands-on activities that you can take and use right away!

Veteran activity advisors know that one of the things that keeps them going year after year is a support network of other like-minded activity advisors. Sharing ideas, reaching out when issues arise, and just the camaraderie of people who know the importance of developing student leaders through activity participation all contribute to longevity in their positions.

One more opportunity to build that network and learn some new skills to get the school year off to a good start is the National Activity Advisors Clinic (NAAC), which will be hosted this year by the Association of Washington Student Leaders (AWSL) on Saturday August 24.  The focus of NAAC 2024 will be to "Fill Your Leadership Cup" through contributing to the professional growth of activity advisors from a wide range of school groups. Veteran advisors and experts in the field will be sharing some of their resources and ideas that you can bring back, adapt for your own use, and implement on DAY ONE. Our goal is to "Fill Your Leadership Cup" with the resources you need to provide a more rewarding leadership experience to your student leaders...and advising experience to YOU!

To keep the experience affordable and allow participation for advisors from across the country, the clinic will be held virtually through Zoom from 11:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Eastern time. With sessions that appeal to all types of activity advisors – clubs, class council, student council, leadership class, and more – attending this clinic is a great way to "Fill Your Leadership Cup" for a successful start to the school year for both veterans and beginners. The AWSL team and director, James Layman, are now working to finalize a hands-on, interactive, practical, and inspirational program. 

WHO is our National Activity Advisors' Clinic for?

  • Student Activity Advisors/Sponsors from middle and high school Student Council, NJS and NJHS, Class Officers, service, social and cultural clubs.
  • New (or relatively new) activity advisors!
  • School administrators and staff working on positive school climate initiatives.
  • Teachers of Leadership Classes
  • Advocates for the value of Student Activities and Leadership Development for all students
  • YOU!!!

WHAT experiences can you expect to have attending it?

  • Outstanding Keynote Speakers
  • Breakout Workshop Sessions
  • Small Group Educational Issue Sessions
  • Hands-On Activities, with “how to do” handouts
  • Mixers & Activities to use in the classroom and for Leadership Lessons/Retreats
  • Resources for new Advisors
  • Focus on a new School Year – building a new school climate, energizing staff and students to become a school of excellence

Program Components


This year’s Opening Session keynote speaker will be Geoff McLachlan, founder of Professionals at Play, an organization with the stated mission of bringing unity and fun to organizational cultures. As a speaker, Geoff has enlightened over 50,000 students, teachers, and other professionals across North America with his masterful storytelling and ability to connect with audiences of all ages.

Geoff recently presented at TEDx in Spokane, WA – you can check out a brief video clip of his presentation at

This year’s Closing Session speaker will be Stacy Voorhees, who will speak about the World of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and provide valuable insight into the intersection of AI and student activities. Stacy is a math teacher, tech coach, and class advisor who provides guidance and support to student leaders. She is beginning a Principal Internship and believes in empowering educators to be efficient and effective while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. She believes that by leveraging AI tools to automate repetitive tasks, generate ideas, and streamline processes, educators can free up valuable time to focus on other important work – or themselves!

Time is provided for groups with similar job descriptions to network, share ideas and resources...

  • Advisor/Administrator Collaboration
  • Club and/or Class Advisors
  • Middle Level Programs
  • High School Programs
  • School Culture & Climate
  • State Executive Directors

There will also be Breakout Sessions that feature familiar faces and some new (to NA4SA) presenters on a variety of topics! Breakout Session topics from NAAC 2024 include the following...

  • Building Climate & Culture in Your Classroom
  • Connection Through Conversation
  • School-wide SEL Instruction
  • Starting the Year Off Right!
  • Tradition
  • Where WE Can Just Be: Affinity Groups
  • Working with Your Leadership Crew

Program Schedule

  • 11:00-11:30 a.m. - Pre-Conference Tech Check & Social Time
  • 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Opening General Session with Geoff McLaughlin
  • 12:35-1:05 p.m. - Workshop Session #1 (5 options)
  • 1:10-1:40 p.m. - Workshop Session #2 (5 options)
  • 1:45-2:10 p.m. - Food Break
  • 2:15-2:45 p.m. - "Birds of a Feather" Focus Groups
      • Advisor/Administrator Collabortion
      • Club and/or Class Advisors
      • Middle Level Programs
      • High School Programs
      • School Culture & Climate
      • State Executive Directors
  • 2:50-3:20 p.m. - Workshop Session #3 (5 options)
  • 3:25-4:30 p.m. - Second General Session with Stacy Voorhees
  • 4:30-5:00 p.m. - Optional Idea Exchange Session


Even though the NAAC is over, you can STILL register online to gain access to ALL recorded content - General Sessions, Workshops, etc. Be sure to pay by CREDIT CARD; then we'll send you a username and password to access the conference portal.

The link to access the conference portal is contained on our home page, in the left sidebar. You can also CLICK HERE to access it - you will need to use the username and passwork provided to you.

  • Individual registration - $35
  • School Group registration - $100 for the first 3 members, then $25 for each additional member (up to a total of 8)

CLICK HERE to access online Individual Registration

If doing a group registration, CLICK HERE for a worksheet to gather all the necessry information BEFORE accessing the online registration form.

CLICK HERE to access online Group Registration

If you have any questions about our National Activity Advisors Clinic, please contact one of the following:

Our 2024-2025 Sponsors & Partners

Please CLICK on the images below to visit their websites!

National Association of Secondary School Principals

2024-2025 GOLD PARTNER

Cool Speak
2024-2025 GOLD PARTNER

Mike Hall Speaks
2024-2025 GOLD PARTNER


Our Friends & Allies

Please CLICK on the images below to visit their websites!

Dynamx Digital


The Fisher Agency