The Earl Reum Award

Who will be the NEXT exemplary "advisor of advisors" to join this group?

While other awards are based on services to students, The Earl Reum Award was designed to recognize individuals for their work with adults. Leadership education for students is important, but this award recognizes those who train the trainers of those students. In order to be eligible for nomination, a candidate for the Earl Reum Award must be a member of NA4SA and should be in attendance for the National Conference on Student Activities (NCSA) in December.

The nominee should be someone who...

  • Encourages and inspires others in the field of student leadership
  • Enthusiastically shares their experience and expertise through presentations to adults
  • Promotes, facilitates, or creates opportunities for adults to receive information to share with their students
  • Is instrumental in student leadership training
  • Promotes student leadership within their state and/or at the national level
  • Attends and regularly contributes their experience and expertise to NA4SA programs and events

The following limitations shall apply regarding the nomination of individuals and consideration of applications for the Regional and National Earl Reum Awards:

  • It is recommended that a nominee (or applicant) for the Earl Reum Award should have previously attended a National Conference on Student Activities.
  • An individual may not be nominated (or apply) until the third year after he or she received his or her most recent Regional Earl Reum Award. For example, someone who received their most recent Regional Earl Reum Award in 2022 or earlier can become a nominee in 2025. CLICK HERE to view a list of recent Regional Earl Reum Award recipients.
  • No individual may be nominated in two consecutive years, regardless of whether he or she received a Regional Earl Reum Award.
  • A past national Earl Reum Award recipient is no longer eligible for consideration.

There will be ONE Regional Award presented to a nominee from each of four Regions, as defined by the map below:

  • Eastern Region - CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV
  • Central Region - IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, MI, MN, MO, NE, ND, OH, SD, WI
  • Southern Region - AL, AR, FL, GA, LA, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX
  • Western Region - AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY

One of the four Regional Award winners will be selected as the National Earl Reum Award recipient. The review of all applications, selection of each Regional Award winner, and selection of the National Earl Reum award recipient will be done by all past Director of the Year (DOTY) and National Earl Reum Award recipients.

The four Regional Award winners will be announced in the November issue of Reumors, and the National Earl Reum Award recipient will be announced during a General Session of the National Conference on Student Activities.

Do you want to NOMINATE someone for the 2025 Earl Reum Award? Complete the online Nomination Form and submit it by AUGUST 31, 2025; we'll let that special someone know that they've been nominated and invite them to complete the application form...

2025 Award Nomination Form - will be posted in April 2025

Do you want to APPLY for the Earl Reum Award? A nomination is not required. Complete the online Award Application Form and submit it (with all required attachments) by SEPTEMBER 25, 2025. All completed applications will be reviewed by past winners of the National Earl Reum Award or DOTY (Director of the Year) Award. You can CLICK HERE to view a list of these past winners.

2025 Award Application Form - will be posted in April 2025

The Regional Earl Reum Award winners (ONE per Region) will be announced in the November edition of Reumors, and the National Earl Reum Award winner will be announced at the National Conference on Student Activities.

If you have any questions about nominating an outstanding "advisor of advisors" for the Earl Reum Award, please contact NA4SA Executive Director Lou Miller at

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